Statistical methods and models for complex data

800 years of research to understand a complex world

The event will take place at the Department of Statistical Science, via Cesare Battisti 241/243, Padova.
Only the last session of Friday 23rd of September will take place at Bo’ Palace, via VIII Febbraio, 2, Padova.

The streaming online of the conference is available on the Youtube channel of the Department


21 September 2022

Department of Statistical Sciences at Santa Caterina
Room SC140

9:00 Opening ceremony
Chair: G. Capizzi

Giovanna Boccuzzo 
Head of the Department of Statistical Sciences

Corrado Crocetta 
President of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS)


Morning Session
Chair: G. Capizzi


Laura Maria Sangalli 
Politecnico di Milano
Physics-informed spatial and functional data analysis over non-Euclidean domains
Discussed by   Antonio Calcagnì and Ilaria Prosdocimi


10:45 Coffee break

Bianca Maria Colosimo   
Politecnico di Milano
Big data mining for industry 4.0: the new pathway for the digital and green ‘twin’ transition
Discussed by Antonio Canale and Antonio Lepore

13:00 Lunch


Afternoon Session
Chair: L.Finos

Alessandro Vespignani 
Northeastern University
COVID-19: data, modeling, and communication
Discussed by Paolo Girardi   and Alessia Melegaro

Emmanuel Candès  
Stanford University
Conformal inference in 2022
Discussed by Davide Risso and Aldo Solari

16:30 Coffee break

Bernardo Colombo Lecture  

This lecture, in memory of Bernardo Colombo founder of the Faculty and the Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Padua, indicates the talk of the youngest speaker of the conference.

Chair: B.Scarpa

Daniele Durante     
Università Luigi Bocconi
The role of skewed distributions in Bayesian inference: conjugacy, scalable approximations and asymptotics
Discussed by Adelchi Azzalini and Brunero Liseo

Poster session

Department of Statistical Sciences at Santa Caterina – Courtyard

Poster session (junior members of the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Padova)

Bottega Tartiniana Quartet
(Anna Colombo, violin; Cecilia Allegri, violin; Giovanna Gordini, viola; Giacomo Grespan, cello)
          Schubert: String quartet no. 1, D 18 in mixed keys
          Tartini: Symphony in D major
          Vivaldi: Concerto for strings in A major

Light dinner buffet
Poster session 


22 September 2022

Department of Statistical Sciences at Santa Caterina 
Room SC140

Morning Session
Chair: M. Bernardi

Giovanni Parmigiani    
Harvard University
Replicability of predictions across studies: challenges and opportunities.
Discussed by Marco Alfò   and Gianmarco Altoè 

10:15 Coffee break

Irène Gijbels     
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Dependencies in higher dimensions and in complex data structures
Discussed by Fabrizio Durante    and Paolo Vidoni

Judith Rousseau   
University of Oxford
Bayesian nonparametric density estimation for data living close to an unknown manifold
Discussed by Sonia Petrone   and Laura Ventura

13:15 Lunch


Afternoon Session
Chair: F. Ongaro

Xiao-Li Meng   
Harvard University
Multi-resolution theory for approximating infinite-p-zero-n: transitional inference, individualized predictions, and a world without bias-variance tradeoff
Discussed by Ruggero Bellio   and Cristiano Varin

Annette Baudisch   
University of Southern Denmark
Towards a transdisciplinary framework to analyze birth and death patterns
Discussed by Stefano Mazzuco   and Cinzia Mortarino

17:00 Coffee break

Contributed Session
 (senior members of the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Padova)
Chair: L. Grossi

17:20 – 19:00

Giovanna Boccuzzo
Measuring frailty in the population: a challenge fraught with complexity

Alessandra Rosalba Brazzale
Unsupervised disentangling of a signal from background for new physics discoveries

Massimiliano Caporin
Estimating assets interdependencies by restricted VAR models: estimation, structural representation and financial network interpretation

Giuliana Cortese
Efficient Estimation and Regression for the Marginal Mean of Recurrent Events 

Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna
Work, couples, and fertility in Italy: back to Malthus?

Tommaso Di Fonzo
Point and probabilistic forecast reconciliation for general linearly constrained multiple time series

Maria Letizia Tanturri
Time allocation and well-being in later life


23 September 2022

Morning Session
Chair: M. Tosi

Department of Statistical Sciences at Santa Caterina
Room SC140

Emily Grundy    
University of Essex
Intergenerational influences on health
Discussed by Stefano Campostrini   and Daniele Vignoli

10:15 Coffee break

Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter     
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
150 years of finite mixture analysis – how statisticians reveal hidden structures in complex data
Discussed by Roberto Casarin    and Luca Tardella

Christian P. Robert   
Université Paris-Dauphine
Inferring the number of components in a mixture: dream or reality?
Discussed by Emanuele Aliverti   and Tommaso Rigon

13:15 Lunch


Afternoon Session
Chair: A. Guolo

Bo’ Palace –  Aula Magna

Art Owen   
Stanford University
Complexity of crossed random effects
Discussed by Alessandra Salvan   and Nicola Sartori 

Rob J. Hyndman   
Monash University
Visualization of complex seasonal patterns in time series
Discussed by Luisa Bisaglia   and Matteo Pelagatti


17:00 Coffee break



17:20 Closing ceremony  
Chair: G. Capizzi

  • Award ceremony for the best three posters
  • Acknowledgements and closing remarks

Giovanna Boccuzzo, Head of the Department of Statistical Sciences

Massimiliano Zattin, Vice Rector for Postgraduate and Doctorate Programmes


Poster session

Juniors of the Department

Agnoletto Davide: Mortality curves estimation using BNP

Alfonzetti Giuseppe: A stochastic optimization algorithm for pairwise likelihood estimation of factor models with ordinal data

Andreella Angela: Procrustes analysis for high-dimensional data

Arnone Eleonora: Regularized semiparametric models on planar linear networks.

Banzato Erika: A Bartlett-type correction for likelihood ratio tests with application to testing equality of Gaussian graphical models

Belloni Pietro: Not only pharmacovigilance data: the use of biochemical features in drug adverse events prediction

Bianco Nicolas: Approximate Bayesian inference for dynamic sparsity in time-varying parameter model 

Bortolato Elena: Convergence of MCMC algorithms on manifolds through coupling techniques

Castiglione Cristian: Approximate belief updating via semiparametric variational Bayes

Collarin Claudia: Automatic effect selection for generalized additive models

Corsini Noemi: Dealing with overdispersion in multivariate count data 

D’Angelo Laura: Clustering activation patterns of spatially-referenced neurons 

De Santis Riccardo: Inference in generalized linear models with robustness to misspecified variances

Evkaya Ozan: Clustering mortality data with nonparametric Bayesian approach

Mascaretti Andrea: Nonparametric mixture of envelope models 

Montin Anna: Locating γ-Ray Sources on the Celestial Sphere via Modal Clustering

Nguyen Ngoc Dung: Model selection for colored graphical models for paired data

Pozza Francesco: Accurate skewed asymptotic approximations of posterior distributions

Schiavon Lorenzo: Fast structured matrix factorization

Silan Margherita: Identification of neighbourhood clusters on data balanced by a poset-based approach

Sottosanti Andrea: Co-clustering of spatially resolved transcriptomic data

Stival Mattia: Doubly-online changepoint detection for monitoring health status during sports activities

Stolf Federica: A hierarchical Bayesian non-asymptotic extreme value model for spatial data

Vesely Anna: Valid p-hacking via flipscores test

Zago Daniele: Profile monitoring based on adaptive parameter learning