2022 will celebrate the 800th anniversary of University of Padua.
To celebrate this important event, the Department of Statistical Sciences is pleased to host the international final conference of the 5-years “Excellence Project” on Statistical Methods and Models for Complex Data from 21 to 23 September 2022. The Department of Statistical Sciences is one among the top 180 Italian university departments of excellence funded by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) for 2018-2022 due to the quality of its research in different fields of Statistics.
The main aim of the conference is to bring together world-leading scientists to exchange ideas, methods, models and new challenges to handle and analyze complex data.
Data often reflect the complexity of reality in science, technology, and society. Just to give some relevant examples, complex data may be functional, such as curves and surfaces, hierarchical, arranged on multiple levels, high-dimensional, with a huge number of variables and/or units, structured in networks revealing relationships between statistical units, multiple-sourced, pooling information coming from different settings.
The scientific program will only include invited keynote lectures each followed by the contribution of two invited discussants and informal moments of discussion and interaction between the participants. The conference program also includes seminar and poster sessions by senior and junior researchers of the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Padua
The event will take place at the Department of Statistical Science, via Cesare Battisti 241/243, Padova.
Only the last session of Friday 23rd of September will take place at Bo’ Palace, via VIII Febbraio, 2, Padova.
The streaming online of the conference is available on the Youtube channel of the Department